Paralysis Attorney in York: Know Your Rights
For those who’ve been in an accident and who are dealing with a paralysis diagnosis, life may never be the same. Paralysis can be a temporary or permanent condition, with no guarantee of recovery. Victims have limited treatment options and may need care for the rest of their lives.
Besides the monumental costs of medical treatments and necessary medical devices, accident victims who become paralyzed may also face lost wages and mental anguish associated with such a catastrophic injury.
If you or someone you know has become paralyszed after an accident, please, contact an attorney at Dale E. Anstine right away. Our experienced attorneys have handled countless cases involving paralysis and know the complexities of such a case. With compassion, we will answer your questions free of charge, and will help you with a clear path forward.
We’re here to take the burden off you, and to assist with the insurance calls, the doctor’s appointments, medical bills and more.
Paralysis Types and Causes
Paralysis can usually be attributed to damage to the spinal cord or the oxygen supply to the brain being cut off. The result is the loss of muscle function in one or more parts of the body.
Different types of paralysis include:
- Monoplegia — Single limb, body part, or group of muscles
- Hemiplegia — Arm and leg on one side of the body
- Paraplegia — Legs and the lower half of body
- Quadriplegia or Tetraplegia — All four limbs or the entire body below the neck
Common Causes of Paralysis
- Auto accidents
- Motorcycle accidents accidents Workplace accidents involving heavy machinery or a fall
- Construction accidents
- Industrial accidents
- Back injuries
- Neck Injuries
- Falls
What Kind of Compensation is there in a Paralysis Case?
With a paralysis diagnosis, medical costs are high. A paralysis victim may require extensive treatment and care, perhaps for the rest of their life. According to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, paralysis impacts about 5.4 million people in the United States. Of those, only about 15% are employed, with 42% of paralysis victims simply unable to work.
Paralysis victims may be eligible for compensation through workers’ compensation and a personal injury claim. They can seek recovery of economic damages for things like medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning potential, and out of pocket expenses.
An experienced paralysis attorney can also help the injured pursue damages for non-economic damages, for things like:
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Psychological or psychiatric harm
- Loss of consortium—including spousal companionship and support
Contact a Paralysis Attorney in York, PA Right Away!
Paralysis is devastating; physically, emotionally, psychologically, and financially. If you’ve received this type of diagnosis, long-term medical treatment and care will likely be needed. You may lose the ability to continue your career, or even work at all. Then there are the mental costs associated with pain and suffering and the inability to do simple tasks and activities once loved.
Insurance companies representing the negligent party will do their best to limit any financial compensation to you. They are looking out for themselves and often offer lowball settlements which fall short of a victim’s future needs. With an injury this severe, you need someone looking out for you.
Don’t sign anything. Remember, insurance companies are looking out for their best interests.
If you’ve suffered paralysis due to a motor vehicle accident, injury on the job or a fall, you need to reach out to an experienced attorney at Dale E. Anstine right away. We believe in holding people responsible. We will help establish the liability of those responsible for this life-altering injury.
Our law firm has been practicing personal injury and workers’ compensation law in York and Adams counties for decades. Let us focus on your paralysis case while you recover from your injuries. We do not charge a fee for representation unless we win your case for you, so reach out today for help.