Top York, PA Automobile-Accident Lawyers
Car accidents across the US are shockingly common – 5.25 million occur every year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that, on average, more than 30,000 people succumb to car accidents, annually, in the US. In Pennsylvania, according to 2020 statistics from PennDOT, 168 people were injured in reported crashes every day. It is believed this number is on the lower end due to pandemic-related, stay-at-home workers.
Were you or a loved one injured in an automobile accident? Worse yet, did you lose a loved one due to an automobile crash or collision? Do you believe the other party was at fault – partially or entirely? If so, Dale E. Anstine is available to become your staunch legal ally during this very challenging time. From complicated legal paperwork, to navigating the equally-complex legal system, to dealing with questionable insurance companies, you do not want to handle your automobile-accident claim on your own!
We know you want justice. We know you want closure. We know you want your life back. You are exactly where you need to be – in the company of some of the most authoritative legal minds who are part of one of the oldest personal-injury law firms in Central Pennsylvania.
The law firm of Dale E. Anstine offers decades of experience regarding all types of accident-related cases – from vehicle accidents to dog bites to workers’ compensation to dangerous/defective products, and more. Additionally, we offer a track record that reflects some of the most substantial financial compensations awarded for accident-injury cases.

It's Time to Heal – It's Time to Seek Justice
Without waiting any longer, you can place your concerns and frustrations on our shoulders. We want you to take a deep breath and feel assurance knowing our automobile-accident lawyers will not rest until every detail of your case has been thoroughly investigated and pursued.
Additionally, on your behalf, we will communicate with the insurance companies. The disturbing truth is that the goal of many insurance companies is to either delay, diminish, or deny your financial compensations. Their priority is to hold on to their monetary assets as tightly as possible and keep your money in their pockets. Our automobile-accident lawyers will not allow their agendas to sabotage what you legally deserve!
Automobile-accident injuries interfere with people’s lives and negatively impact one’s ability to continue to work. Injuries can also severely compromise one’s enjoyment of interpersonal relationships or life’s everyday pleasures. Those very real human issues must be addressed by a very skilled legal team. Though financial compensations can’t replace a limb, or enhance one’s mobility, or bring back a loved one, substantial recoveries help families regain as much normalcy as possible.
At Dale E. Anstine, We Go for the Gold!
As mentioned, insurance companies aren’t keen on giving up their monetary assets – regardless of how injured an accident victim might be. Our automobile-accident lawyers, however, know the ins and outs of every strategy insurance companies employ to keep claimants’ money for themselves.
The following example reflects the astuteness of our legal professionals who focus their efforts on calculating the monetary worth of accident-related injuries: one of our automobile-accident clients was offered a $50,000 settlement. Our legal team was fully aware that the damages were worth significantly more. Once the 3-day trial was over, a York County jury awarded our client more than 6 times that amount – a whopping $306,000.00!
Other accident-related outcomes include a $1,500,000 motorcycle-accident verdict, a $306,000 automobile-accident verdict, and a $600,000 slip & fall verdict – the list goes on.
Calculating damages for automobile-accident injuries can cover an array of contingencies:
- Damage to personal property
- Hospital bills, medical bills, and related expenses including appointment, supplies, etc
- Lost wages and earnings potential
- Future income loss
- Loss of life’s enjoyment due to physical or psychological trauma
- Loss of consortium/loss of companionship
- Pain and suffering, and more
With any injuries, your first priority is seeking medical care. The next step should include giving our team a call at 717-846-0606 – you will receive immediate assistance. Also, our York, PA clients pay no out-of-pocket fees! Our contingency-fee structure is based on receiving a percentage of the recovery. Affordability is never an issue for our clients.
Keep in mind, billion-dollar insurance companies have top-tier lawyers on their side who may attempt to reduce or eliminate your financial compensations. Shouldn’t you have the same legal advantage on your side to ensure they don’t succeed?
Top Lawyers Make Top Billing
The law firm of Dale E. Anstine is proud to be a part of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. This top-notch group represents some of the most prestigious trial lawyers in the country. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements. Fewer than 1% of US lawyers are members.
Since 1993, membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum has objectively adhered to strict qualifying factors that focus on the skills, experience, and accomplishments of trial lawyers who have won major and intricate cases.
Final Thoughts to Keep in Mind
- Do not speak with an insurance representative – The simplest statement, by you, can be used against you to compromise the integrity of your case. Never admit any degree of fault since that could be considered an admission of guilt.
- Do not accept an insurance settlement – That acceptance could, seriously, limit your compensatory damages. Our automobile-accident lawyers will communicate with the insurance companies, on your behalf. We will fight for every dime you are entitled to receive!
- Visit with a doctor, right away – Even if your injuries seem minor, more serious conditions can manifest themselves, down the road. Your medical report could become pivotal with supporting the defense of your case.
- File a police report – Without it, the insurance company could have a legitimate reason to not cover medical expenses, and more.
- Feel assured – Know that our automobile-accident lawyers will leave no stone unturned to ensure maximized compensations related to your medical expenses and other qualifying damages such as medical equipment and supplies, rehab or physical therapy, increased living expenses, lost wages, future earnings, pain & suffering, and more.
Every auto-accident case has its own particular circumstances with pay-outs that vary. One thing, however, is certain – our law firm’s reputation revolves around compassion, empathy, and dedication we commit to every York, PA client who reaches out to us for help. Know, without question, that we will fight for you, from start to finish!
Contact Our Automobile-Accident Lawyers, Today!
Don’t lose the compensation you deserve – time is limited to qualify for damages. Our automobile-accident lawyers are available 24 hours a day for emergency consultations. Our York, PA neighbors can connect with our team in various ways:
- Call 717-846-0606 or 1-877-4-ANSTINE to schedule a free consultation – or TEXT
- Respond to our Get a Free Consultation
- Visit for additional information.
- Initiate a LIVE CHAT – available 24/7 – immediate assistance.