News & Articles

Work Zone Accident

Work Zone Accidents Across the Nation are on the Rise

Nearly a year after one of the deadliest work-zone accidents in history, another deadly work-zone accident claims the lives of six construction workers in Maryland as they worked to fix the roads of the Francis Scott Key bridge. As safety...

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Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Claim

Is There a Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Claim in Pennsylvania?

When someone is injured and it's because of someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, they could be entitled to compensation for their injuries and damages related to their accident. It's important to note, however, that there is a time limit to...

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winter car accident

Winter Car Accidents: Who is at Fault?

Pennsylvania winters always bring with it, frigid temperatures and the promise of snow. While a fresh snowfall looks beautiful on rooftops, trees, and fields, it creates a mess for travel. Snow-covered, icy roads can be treacherous and lead to car...

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Slip and Fall

Who Is Responsible After a Slip and Fall on Snow or Ice?

Winters in Central Pennsylvania can bring a treacherous mix of weather including snow, ice, and freezing rain. These can lead to hazardous and dangerous conditions on sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots. What happens when someone slips and falls on ice...

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Seasonal Worker

Injured as a Seasonal Worker, Now What?

With the holidays among us, many people are picking up an additional job or extra shifts at work to cover their holiday expenses. Thankfully so, as many companies need more workers through the holidays to keep up with the increased...

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